The War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus

Translated by
William Whiston

Brought to you by

The Life of Flavius Josephus - Autobiography

The War of the Jews

Preface to the War of the Jews
Book 1 -- From the Taking of Jerusalem by Antiochus Epiphanes to the Death of Herod the Great
Book 2 -- From the Death of Herod till Vespasian was sent to subdue the Jews by Nero
Book 3 -- From Vespasian's coming to Subdue the Jews to the Taking of Gamala
Book 4 -- From the Siege of Gamala to the Coming of Titus to besiege Jerusalem
Book 5 -- From the Coming of Titus to besiege Jerusalem to the Great Extremity to which the Jews were reduced
Book 6 -- From the Great Extremity to which the Jews were reduced to the taking of Jerusalem by Titus
Book 7 -- From the Taking of Jerusalem by Titus to the Sedition of the Jews at Cyrene



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