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Gospels comparison

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This app lists most of the events contained in the four gospels of the New Testament side by side.
You can easily find these details of the gospel accounts, parables, miracles and teachings below.

The text is from the King James Bible

Birth and childhood
of Christ
Introduction *
Genealogy of Jesus* *
Conception of John the Baptist *
Annunciation* *
Mary meets Elizabeth *
Birth of John *
Birth of Jesus* *
Flight to Egypt*
Circumcision of Jesus *
Childhood of Jesus* *

John the Baptist : The arrival of John the Baptist****
John the Baptist talking about Jesus****
John baptises Jesus****
Jesus goes to the wilderness***
Jesus finds his disciples****
John's disciples question Jesus* **

The Sermon on the Mount : Introduction* *
Beatitudes* *
The law* *
Killing and adultery*
Divorce* *
Love your enemy* *
Alms and fasting*
Treasures* *
The light of the body* *
The lilies of the field* *
The mote in the eye* *
Ask and it shall be given* *
Enter by the strait gate* *
A tree is known by its fruits* *
A house's foundations* *

Christ's other sermons : Sparrows* *
Not peace but a sword* *
My yoke is light*
The scribes and the Pharisees*
Being born again *
God is the father of Jesus *
The bread of life *
Jesus teaching in the temple *
The light of the world *
The good shepherd *
The hour is come *
The true vine *

Early healings by Christ : Jesus casts out a devil at Capernaum **
The centurion's servant / nobleman's son* **
Jesus heals the mother of Simon***
Other healing***
Healing of the leper***
Healing of the ten lepers *
Healing of the palsy***
Healing on the Sabbath **

Christ teaching
his Disciples
Calling of Levi (Matthew)***
Foxes have holes / Let the dead bury their dead* *
Zacchaeus climbs the sycamore tree *
The Sabbath***
Curing the blind and the dumb**
The disciples of Jesus***
Jesus is accused of casting out devils using Beelzebub***
The family of Jesus***
Follow Jesus, not family *
The parable of the sower***
Light under a bushel***
The parable of the mustard seed***
The storm***
The Gadarene swine***
Woman with issue of blood / girl brought back from death***
Jesus in Nazareth****
Instructions to disciples***
The death of John the Baptist***

Miracles and more
healings of Christ
Wedding at Cana *
Sheep without a shepherd**
Feeding of the five thousand****
Jesus walks on the water** *
Unwashed hands***
Curing the non-Jewish girl**
Curing the deaf**
Feeding of the seven thousand**
Curing of a blind man * *
Who is Jesus?****
The transfiguration***
Curing of the son with fits***
Tribute from the mouth of a fish*
Raising from the dead **

Teachings of Christ : Jesus foretells his death and resurrection***
The child***
He who is not against us is with us **
The millstone***
If your hand offends**
Salt of the earth***
Forgiving seven times* *
Woman taken in adultery *
The Samaritan village *
The Samaritan woman *
Asking for a sign* *
Mary and Martha *
The camel and the eye of a needle***
Further foretelling of how Jesus will die***
James and John ask to sit by Jesus in his glory**
Healing of Bartimaeus***

Parables of Christ : The good Samaritan *
Treasure *
Weddings *
The prodigal son *
The rich man and the poor man *
The servant *
Two men praying in the temple *
The devil returning with seven more* *
Debt* *
The talents* *
The lost sheep* *
The sheep and the goats*
The tares in the wheat*
The labourers*
Two sons in the vineyard*
The wedding guest*
The parable of the virgins*

Christ's Jerusalem
The entry into Jerusalem****
The moneychangers in the temple****
The fig tree***
The Lord's Prayer***
By what authority?***
The parable of the husbandmen who kill the son***
Giving tribute to Caesar***
The seven brothers and their wife***
The two commandments**
Is Christ the son of David?***
The widow's mites **
Jerusalem kills the prophets* *
The Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy *
The temple will be thrown down****
The end of the world***
When will the kingdom of God come?***

The Last Supper : Plotting the death of Jesus****
Anointing of Jesus****
Judas visits the priests***
Getting ready for the passover****
Jesus washes his disciples feet *
Jesus says that he will be betrayed****
Bread and wine***
Jesus says Peter will deny him****
Jesus instructions his disciples *
Garden of Gethsemane****
Betrayal of Jesus****

The Crucifixion : Jesus is taken before the High Priest****
Peter denies Jesus****
Judas kills himself*
Jesus is taken before Pilate****
Jesus is taken before Herod *
Before the crucifixion** *
Jesus is crucified****
The mocking of Jesus****
Jesus dies****
Jesus is taken down from the cross****

The Resurrection : The women find the tomb empty****
Mary Magdalene sees Jesus** *
The watch are bribed*
Jesus appears to two men **
Jesus appears to the eleven disciples****
Doubting Thomas *
The miraculous draft of fishes *
The Ascension **

Alphabetical index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A Accusation - Jesus is accused of casting out devils using Beelzebub
Adultery - woman taken in adultery
Agony in the garden of Gethsemane
Alms and fasting - Sermon on the Mount
Angel Gabriel - Annunciation
Angel of the Lord - Birth of Jesus
Anna - Circumcision of Jesus
Anointing of Jesus
Ask and it shall be given - Sermon on the Mount
Asking for a sign
Authority - by what authority?
B Baptism of Jesus
Bartimaeus healed
Beatitudes - Sermon on the Mount
Beelzebub - Jesus is accused of casting out devils using Beelzebub
Before and during the crucifixion
Before the crucifixion
Betrayal foretold by Jesus
Betrayal of Jesus
Birth and childhood of Jesus
Birth of Jesus
Birth of John
Blasphemy - Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy
Blind healed
Blind man healed
Blind man healed
Blood - woman with issue of blood
Bread and wine
Bread of life
Bribery of the watch are bribed
Brothers - family of Jesus
Bushel - light under a bushel
By what authority?
C Caesar - giving tribute to Caesar
Calling of Levi (Matthew)
Calming the storm
Camel and the eye of a needle
Cana wedding
Casting out devils using Beelzebub
Centurion's servant healed
Childhood of Jesus
Christ the son of David?
Circumcision of Jesus
Commandments - Love thy God and love thy neighbour
Conception of John the Baptist
Curing the non-Jewish girl
D Dead - girl brought back from death
Dead - Raising from the dead
Deaf healed
Death of Jesus
Death of Jesus plotting
Death of John the Baptist
Devil at Capernaum cast out
Devil returning with seven more
Devil tempts Jesus
Devils - Jesus is accused of casting out devils using Beelzebub
Disciples of Jesus
Disciples of Jesus
Disciples of Jesus are found
Disciples of John the Baptist question Jesus
Divorce - Sermon on the Mount
Doctors in the temple - Childhood of Jesus
Donkey - entry into Jerusalem
Doubting Thomas
Draft of fishes
Dumb healed
E Eleven disciples see Jesus after the resurrection
Elizabeth - Birth of John the Baptist
Elizabeth - conception of John the Baptist
Elizabeth meets Mary
Empty tomb of Jesus
End of the world
Enter by the strait gate - Sermon on the Mount
Entry into Jerusalem
Eye is the light of the body - Sermon on the Mount
Eye of a needle
F Family - follow Jesus, not family
Family of Jesus
Father of Jesus
Feeding of the five thousand
Feeding of the seven thousand
Fig tree
First communion
Fish - miraculous draft of fishes
Fish - Tribute from the mouth of a fish
Fishes - feeding of the five thousand
Fits - Healing of the son with fits
Five loaves and two fishes - feeding of the five thousand
Five thousand - feeding of the five thousand
Flight to Egypt
Follow Jesus, not family
Foolish and wise virgins
Foretelling of how Jesus will die
Forgiving seven times
Foxes have holes
Further foretelling of how Jesus will die
G Gabriel - Annunciation
Gadarene swine
Garden of Gethsemane
Genealogy of Jesus
Getting ready for the passover
Girl brought back from death
Giving tribute to Caesar
Goats and sheep
Good Samaritan
Good shepherd
Guest - the wedding guest
H He who is not against us is with us
Healing - Devil at Capernaum
Healing - early healing by Jesus
Healing - Gadarene swine
Healing - more healing on the Sabbath
Healing - Mother of Simon
Healing - Other healing
Healing - The centurion's servant
Healing - The nobleman's son
Healing - woman with issue of blood / girl brought back from death
Healing of a blind man
Healing of Bartimaeus (blind man)
Healing of the blind and the dumb
Healing of the leper
Healing of the palsy
Healing of the son with fits
Healing of the ten lepers
Healing on the Sabbath
Healing the deaf
Healing the non-Jewish girl
Herod - Birth of Jesus
Herod - Death of John the Baptist
Herod - Flight to Egypt
Herod tries Jesus
High Priest sees Jesus
Holy Innocents Massacre - Flight to Egypt
Hour is come
House's foundations - Sermon on the Mount
I If your hand offends
Innocents Massacre - Flight to Egypt
Instruction to disciples at the Last Supper
Instructions to disciples
J James and John ask to sit by Jesus in his glory
Jerusalem kills the prophets
Jesus' birth
Jesus appears to the eleven disciples
Jesus appears to two men
Jesus dies
Jesus finds his disciples
Jesus foretells his death and resurrection
Jesus in Nazareth
Jesus is crucified
Jesus is taken before Herod
Jesus is taken before Pilate
Jesus is taken before the High Priest
Jesus is taken down from the cross
Jesus washes his disciples feet
Jews accuse Jesus of blasphemy
John's disciples question Jesus
John the Baptist
John the Baptist's death
John the Baptist - Birth of John the Baptist
John the Baptist - conception
John the Baptist baptises Jesus
John the Baptist starts his ministry
John the Baptist talks about Jesus
Joseph - Annunciation
Judas kills himself
Judas visits the priests
K Killing and adultery - Sermon on the Mount
Kingdom of God
Kings - Birth of Jesus
L Labourers
Last Supper
Lazarus and the rich man
Lazarus raised from the dead
Leper healed
Lepers (ten) healed
Let the dead bury their dead
Levi called
Light of the body - Sermon on the Mount
Light under a bushel
Lilies of the field - Sermon on the Mount
Loaves - feeding of the five thousand
Lord's Prayer
Lost sheep
Love thy God and love thy neighbour
Love your enemy - Sermon on the Mount
Luke's introduction
M Man casting out devils in the name of Jesus
Martha and Mary
Mary - Annunciation
Mary and Martha
Mary anoints Jesus
Mary Magdalene sees Jesus after the resurrection
Mary meets Elizabeth
Massacre of the Holy Innocents - Flight to Egypt
Matthew's introduction
Matthew called
Millstone round the neck
Miracle - feeding of the five thousand
Miracle - Feeding of the seven thousand
Miracle - the calming of the storm
Miracle - Turning water into wine
Miracle - Jesus walks on the water
Miracles of Jesus
Miraculous draft of fishes
Mocking of Jesus
Moneychangers in the temple
Mote in the eye - Sermon on the Mount
Mother - family of Jesus
Mother of Simon healed
Mount - Sermon on the Mount
Mustard seed parable
N Names of disciples of Jesus
Nazareth - Childhood of Jesus
Nazareth - Jesus in Nazareth
Nobleman's son healed
Not peace but a sword
Nunc dimittis - Circumcision of Jesus
O Other sermons of Jesus
Our Father - Lord's Prayer
P Palsy healed
Parable - the mustard seed
Parable - Prodigal son
Parable - the devil returning with seven more
Parable - the good Samaritan
Parable - the rich man and the poor man
Parable - the sower
Parable - the wedding guest
Parable - the widow's mites
Parable - two men praying in the temple
Parable of the fig tree
Parable of the husbandmen who kill the son
Parable of the husbandmen who kill the son
Parable of the labourers
Parable of the lost sheep
Parable of the servant
Parable of the sheep and the goats
Parable of the talents
Parable of the tares in the wheat
Parable of the two sons in the vineyard
Parable of the wise and foolish virgins
Parables about debt
Parables about treasure
Parables about weddings
Parables of Jesus
Peace - Not peace but a sword
Peter's denial foretold by Jesus
Peter denies Jesus
Peter says Jesus is Son of God
Pilate tries Jesus
Plotting the death of Jesus
Pontius Pilate tries Jesus
Poor man and the rich man
Prayer - Lord's Prayer
Preaching of John the Baptist
Prodigal son
Prophet is without honour in his own country
Prophets killed by Jerusalem
R Raising from the dead
Rich man - camel and the eye of a needle
Rich man and the poor man
S Sabbath
Sabbath - more healing
Sabbath healing
Sadducees - Seven brothers and their wife
Salt of the earth
Samaritan - the good Samaritan
Samaritan village
Samaritan woman
Sermon on the Mount
Sermon on the Mount - conclusion
Sermon on the Mount - Introduction
Seven brothers and their wife
Seven times - forgiving seven times
Sheep - the lost sheep
Sheep and goats
Sheep without a shepherd
Shepherds - Birth of Jesus
Simeon - Circumcision of Jesus
Son killed by the husbandmen
Son of David is Christ?
Sons in the vineyard
Sower - parable
Star - Birth of Jesus
Start of Luke
Start of Matthew
Storm - calming the storm
Strait gate - Sermon on the Mount
Swearing - Sermon on the Mount
Swine - Gadarene swine
Swine - prodigal son
Sword - Not peace but a sword
Sycamore tree climbed by Zacchaeus
T Talents
Tares in the wheat
Teaching in the temple by Jesus
Teachings of Jesus
Temple - Childhood of Jesus
Temple - Jesus throws out the moneychangers
Temple - two men praying in the temple
Temple will be thrown down
Temptation of Jesus
Ten lepers ten healed
The law - Sermon on the Mount
The light of the world
The scribes and the Pharisees
Thomas doubts Jesus' resurrection
Three kings - Birth of Jesus
Tomb of Jesus is empty
Treasures - Sermon on the Mount
Tree is known by its fruits - Sermon on the Mount
Trial of Jesus
Tribute - giving tribute to Caesar
Tribute from the mouth of a fish
True vine
Turning water into wine
Two commandments
Two men praying in the temple
Two men see Jesus after the resurrection
Two sons in the vineyard
U Unwashed hands
V Vine - The true vine
Vineyard - two sons in the vineyard
Virgins - Wise and foolish virgins
W Walks - Jesus walks on the water
Washing of his disciples feet by Jesus
Watch are bribed
Water - Turning water into wine
Water - Jesus walks on the water
Wedding at Cana
Wedding guest
Wheat and tares
When will the kingdom of God come?
Who is Jesus?
Widow's mites
Wilderness - Jesus goes to the wilderness
Wine - Turning water into wine
Wise and foolish virgins
Woman taken in adultery
Woman with issue of blood
Women find the tomb empty
Y Yoke - My yoke is light
Z Zacchaeus climbs the sycamore tree
Zacharias - birth of John the Baptist
Zacharias - conception of John the Baptist